Dunsford resident realizes dream of opening own hair salon

14-07-2020 20:34

Roselyn Oudenampsen reopens The Hair Station in Bobcaygeon after COVID-19 forces closure after nine days.

In a way, Roselyn Oudenampsen has opened her Hair Station business twice; back in early March and again on June 12. The first run was cut short by COVID-19 and the pandemic resulted in a slightly different business model when she reopened, but the Dunsford resident is taking it all in stride. - Roselyn Oudenampsen submitted photo`.

In a way, Roselyn Oudenampsen has opened her business twice.

The Hair Station proprietor opened the doors to her 80 Bolton St. shop in Bobcaygeon in early March and “got nine days in” before the COVID-19 pandemic forced her to close. When word came she could get back to business on June 12, Oudenampsen wasted no time doing so; a reflection of the determination that helped her get to that point in the first place.

Just three years ago Oudenampsen went back to school through the provincial government’s Second Career program. After completing her 1,000-hour apprenticeship, Oudenampsen rented a chair at a Lindsay barber shop to further hone her skills and test the entrepreneurial waters.

“I always wanted to open my own shop, and now, here I am, I’m doing it,” said Oudenampsen who especially enjoys the opportunity to be creative, meet new people and be her own boss.

It’s especially gratifying as it’s been a long wait.

Oudenampsen comes from a traditional Dutch family that didn’t view hair styling as a viable career. So she opted for business studies and worked in retail sales and offices until “eventually, I said I’ve had enough.”

“And here I am, three years after graduating, starting my own business,” said Oudenampsen who was understandably discouraged by the mandated closure. “But I was very lucky that the landlady did not ask for rent all that time. And because of that, I was able to come back and just take it from where I had been before. And I’ve been going pretty steady now.”

The new version of her new business requires both her and clients to wear a mask, she can only allow one person in at a time and must deep clean every service after each client.

“And I’m okay with it because it lets me know that everyone is being kept safe.”

Oudenampsen is currently only offering haircuts and barbering. Being a one-woman show means she isn’t able to offer labour intensive perms and colouring but she hopes to one day rent out a chair in her shop to share the workload.

The Hair Station is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Fridays 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. To book an appointment call or text 705-307-0053 or message Payment is by cash or e-transfer.

By Catherine Whitnall
Source: MY

Roselyn Oudenampsen (M.58).



  • 29-05-1988 15:51

    Hendrik Jan Oudenampsen overleden

    Hendrik Jan Oudenampsen (K.51) overleden: 29-Mei-1988 te Emmen.    

  • 06-04-1988 00:00

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  • 09-11-1987 00:00

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    Hentje Oudenampsen (K.58) op 86 jarige leeftijd overleden.

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