Jane Wia Oudenampsen Smit overleden

10-07-2014 00:00

2014: OUDENAMPSEN Jane Wia, 
It is with great sadness the family of Jane announces her passing at the Ross Memorial Hospital, in Lindsay on July 10, 2014, with her family by her side.
Dearly beloved wife of Jan.
Beloved mother of Grace Mantle (Ken), Janette Mantle (Ted), Roselyn Oudenampsen (Dennis) and Marijke Bush (Darryl).
Grand Mother of Mathew Mantle, Mark Mantle (Caitlin), Daniel Mantle (April), Catherine Mantle (Tim), Jonathan Neil and Emma Noelle Bush.
Great Grandmother to Mason Mantle
Friends are invited to call at the Stoddart Funeral Home, 24 Mill Street, Lindsay on Tuesday July 15th, 2014 from 11:00 Am until time of Funeral Service at 1:00 Pm
As expressions of sympathy donations to the Diabetes Association or a Charity of choice would be appreciated by the family2014: OUDENAMPSEN Jane Wia,

Jane Wia Oudenampsen-Smit, echtgenoot van Jan Jacob Oudenampsen (L.39)

It is with great sadness the family of Jane announces her passing at the Ross Memorial Hospital, in Lindsay on July 10, 2014, with her family by her side. Dearly beloved wife of Jan.
Beloved mother of Grace Mantle (Ken), Janette Mantle (Ted), Roselyn Oudenampsen (Dennis) and Marijke Bush (Darryl).
Grand Mother of Mathew Mantle, Mark Mantle (Caitlin), Daniel Mantle (April), Catherine Mantle (Tim), Jonathan Neil and Emma Noelle Bush. Great Grandmother to Mason Mantle
Friends are invited to call at the Stoddart Funeral Home, 24 Mill Street, Lindsay on Tuesday July 15th, 2014 from 11:00 Am until time of Funeral Service at 1:00 Pm
As expressions of sympathy donations to the Diabetes Association or a Charity of choice would be appreciated by the family

Source: www.orbitsforlife.com (site is no more available)
See also: stoddart.com



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